What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff

The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

That history is being repeated today in a mass grooming of the Western world’s people (especially Americans) in preparation for World War IIIwhich I believe is now imminent




Sunday, October 13, 2024

EN — LARRY ROMANOFF — Democracy, The Most Dangerous Religion — Chapter 14 –The Non-Imperial Empire


Democracy, The Most Dangerous Religion

Chapter 1 — Introduction

Chapter 2 — The Jewish Origin 

Chapter 3 – Multi-Party Democracy 

Chapter 4 –The Right-Wing Brain 

Chapter 5 – Choosing Government Leaders 

Chapter 6 – The Theology of Politics 

Chapter 7 – The Theology of Elections

Chapter 8 — Rubber-Stamp Parliaments

Chapter 9 – Democracy and Universal Values 

Chapter 10 – Myths of Democracy

Chapter 11 – The Chimera of Democracy  

Chapter 12 – Bernays and Democracy Control

Chapter 13 – Democracy to Fascism 

Chapter 14- The Non-Imperial Empire 

Chapter 15 – China’s Democracy Experiments 

Chapter 16 – China is Not the West


Democracy, The Most Dangerous Religion

14. Part 14- The Non-Imperial Empire

By Larry Romanoff


14.1. Introduction

14.2. Hurtling Into Darkness


 Democracy, The Most Dangerous Religion free e-book 


14.1. Introduction


The powerful surreptitious development of fascism in the US as described earlier is only one link in a long chain, the end purpose which is to first remove all power from the people and then remove most of the power from domestic governments and other governing bodies. We have already seen that most of this has already been accomplished in America, but it has also been accomplished to almost the same degree in Europe. Few are aware that the European Union has been vehemently disparaged as not only un-democratic but as fundamentally anti-democratic, in other words, tending to the same authoritarian fascism as is the US.


One sign is its lack of transparency. Few are aware that in the past 20 years the EU has not managed to pass a single audit, and is so opaque, so controlled by a few individuals two levels removed from European national governments that no elected body has any access to information. The EU Commission’s Chief Accountant, Marta Andreasen, refused to sign off on the accounts, claiming the entire EU accounting system was open to fraud. She was suspended and later fired, and the EU’s accounts were never approved. The EU institutions have virtually waged a class war on not only its members but on their economies and populations, an economic war designed from the start to weaken the nation-states to a point of total dependence on Brussels, entrenching neo-liberalism in the hands of a non-elected elite who now hold all the power and who report to no one. The entire sovereignty of the individual European nations has been supplanted by a cabal of Zionist Jews operating from the City of London.


Privatisation of state assets has played a central role in this process, with all states being slowly forced to dispossess themselves of their entire national infrastructure, including gas utilities, transport and postal services, electricity generation, motorways, airports, regional ports and even water supplies. The nations are being hollowed-out in preparation for their surrender of sovereignty. The signs are clear, and they are everywhere. The budgets of member states are increasingly subject to the scrutinisation and approval of this same cabal, with new legislation and policies that increasingly transfer more authority away from the nation-states to the non-elected and unaccountable central administration. Decisions that now vitally affect every European citizen are taken by anonymous bureaucrats who have no stake in their nations.


None of this was an accident. The Imperial ambitions of this secret Eurocratic elite were hiding in plain sight for many years. In fact, one smug senior EU official, Manuel Durão Barroso, arrogantly boasted that this was the formation of the first ever “non-imperial empire“. In his words, 27 nations decided to work together to “pool their sovereignty“, the problem being, of course that they didn’t do it by choice, and in fact many flatly rejected that suggestion, but their nations have been pushed to this state nevertheless. One of the signs of the arrogance and control of this Jewish cabal is that in 2011 it simply replaced the elected governments of Greece and Italy with technocrats reporting to their central secret government – the same one that controls the US. One British Member of Parliament stated at the time that the people and their governments were cut out altogether, and that “the lamps are going out all over Europe”. And he was correct.


If we think back to the Article on Bernays and War Marketing, to the intense and relentless program of propaganda and disinformation, this thread of fascism was precisely the strategy these men created and followed to eliminate resistance to US entry to the First World War, and in fact to convert resistance to eagerness. Further, if we scour the Jewish-owned Western media today, we find constant attacks on socialism but not a word on fascism. More than this, we find severe personal attacks on anyone who dares introduce the topic of fascism in an American or even a European context, and nowhere can we find discussions of fascism in the Western media. As you will see later, the world is slowly proceeding toward fulfilment of a grand plan of what many have termed an endgame of ‘global tyranny’, essentially a worldwide fascist dictatorship. You have read of the group of Jewish bankers who attempted to overthrow the US government and install a fascist dictatorship, using General Smedley Butler as a front man. That plan has only been delayed, not forgotten, and the signs today are more than obvious in both the US and the European Union. The entire subject of fascism has been locked away in a closet, totally removed from the publication list, so as not to create premature alarm among the intelligent population.

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EN — LARRY ROMANOFF — Democracy, The Most Dangerous Religion — Chapter 13 – Democracy to Fascism



Democracy, The Most Dangerous Religion

Chapter 1 — Introduction

Chapter 2 — The Jewish Origin 

Chapter 3 – Multi-Party Democracy 

Chapter 4 –The Right-Wing Brain 

Chapter 5 – Choosing Government Leaders 

Chapter 6 – The Theology of Politics 

Chapter 7 – The Theology of Elections

Chapter 8 — Rubber-Stamp Parliaments

Chapter 9 – Democracy and Universal Values 

Chapter 10 – Myths of Democracy

Chapter 11 – The Chimera of Democracy  

Chapter 12 – Bernays and Democracy Control

Chapter 13 – Democracy to Fascism 

Chapter 14- The Non-Imperial Empire 

Chapter 15 – China’s Democracy Experiments 

Chapter 16 – China is Not the West


Democracy, The Most Dangerous Religion

13. Chapter 13 – Democracy to Fascism

By Larry Romanoff



 Democracy, The Most Dangerous Religion e-book


Fascism is a political ideology fundamentally authoritarian in character, with a strong nationalism and an essentially belligerent militaristic outlook. Fascism carries primarily a corporate perspective as opposed to a socialist view, directed to satisfying the needs, values and objectives of finance and corporations, organising both the economy and the political system according to this agenda. A fascist government actively suppresses any objection to its ideology and will crush any movement which opposes it. In keeping with their belligerent nature, fascist governments generally view violence and war as stimulants to national spirit and vitality. Being politically Right-Wing, they maintain their position through firm control or compliance of the media, and most often engage in a vast array of lies and deception. These governments tend to be bigoted, if not racist, invariably require “enemies” to achieve public solidarity, and are often supremacist or at least ‘exceptional’ in their self-assessment. They either believe, or pretend to believe, that they have a license on truth. Large military budgets, the creation and demonisation of fictitious enemies to propagate fear and maintain population control, are all typical characteristics of a fascist regime, as is massive public surveillance.


In 1995 the Italian Scholar Umberto Eco produced a paper titled ‘Eternal Fascism’ in which he examined the characteristics of fascist regimes. In 2003, Laurence W. Britt did an excellent and scholarly work in dissecting and categorising past fascist regimes, in which he revealed common threads that linked all of them in “patterns of national behavior and abuse of power“. He wrote that “Even a cursory study of these fascist and protofascist regimes reveals the absolutely striking convergence of their modus operandi, (which is) not a revelation … but useful … to shed needed light on current circumstances.” I am including here a composite of edited extracts from these two papers with additional commentary of my own. Significant statements by these two authors are in quotation marks. This is a list of the characteristics of fascist states, taken from Britt’s original article:


13.1. Early Warning Signs of Fascism


      • Powerful and continuing nationalism
      • Supremacy of the military
      • Obsession with national security
      • Obsession with crime and punishment
      • Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause
      • Disdain for human rights
      • Corporate power is protected while labor power is suppressed
      • Controlled mass media
      • Rampant cronyism and corruption
      • Intertwined religion and government
      • Fraudulent elections
      • Disdain for intellectuals and the arts
      • Rampant Sexism


If we examine the US on these categories, we find an almost perfect match. Certainly, the US has the most strident nationalism of all nations today, with the hysteria of patriotism and flag-worship unabated and even increasing, with the delusional theory of American Exceptionalism as virulent as ever. There is no question about military supremacy, with the US spending almost twice as much on its military as the rest of the world combined and being by an order of magnitude the world’s largest arms manufacturer and dealer. President Obama stated flatly that for the US to remain ‘peaceful and prosperous‘ it needed the world’s largest and most powerful military to maintain an overwhelming military supremacy. Obsession with issues of national security is so common in the US today it has become an object of ridicule. Every manner of information is withheld, every manner of lie is told, every manner of crime is committed, all with the excuse of ‘national security’. Britt noted that a national security apparatus was usually an instrument of oppression, operating in secret and beyond any constraints, with its actions always justified under the rubric of protecting “national security”, and that questioning these oppressive activities is now often portrayed as unpatriotic or even treasonous.


Saturday, October 12, 2024

EN — LARRY ROMANOFF — Democracy, The Most Dangerous Religion — Chapter 12 – Bernays and Democracy Control


December 21, 2022

EN — LARRY ROMANOFF– Democracy, The Most Dangerous Religion — Chapter 11 – The Chimera of Democracy


November 13, 2022

Friday, October 11, 2024

PT — LARRY ROMANOFF: A Hasbara Judaica em Toda a sua Glória. Mentiras, Mentiras por Todo o Lado — Parte I



Hasbara  Judaica 

em Toda a sua Glória.

Mentiras, Mentiras por Todo o Lado



Larry Romanoff

 Part I

                                  CHINESE     ENGLISH      PORTUGUESE



Esta é a Parte 8 de uma série intitulada “Propaganda e os Media”, cujas primeiras 7 partes foram publicadas anteriormente e estão disponíveis aqui ( 1 )


Antes de mais, é um artigo sobre mentiras, sobre as pessoas que as contam e sobre os seus métodos de contá-las.  Este ensaio, embora longo, é apenas uma breve introdução a um aspeto menos importante deste assunto.


O Canada e outros países ocidentais têm aquilo a que chamamos  “leis anti-ódio” , legislação destinada a impedir a disseminação de acusação de acusações racistas e de ódio contra outro povo, especialmente se forem susceptíveis de inspirar acções negativas ou violentas. Infelizmente, estas leis e regulamentos, bem como a edição dos jornais parecem ser aplicadas de forma pouco equitativa, destinando-se apenas a silenciar as críticas ea oposição a Israel e as actividades dos judeus ea nunca serem aplicadas a qualquer outro povo ou nação.


Não faço esta acusação levianamente. Por exemplo, mais ou menos na altura em que estas leis foram promulgadas, foi publicado um livro intitulado  “The Hajj”,  que recebeu alguma aclamação do público em geral. Já não me recordo de grande parte do conteúdo, mas há uma passagem que me ficou na memória – a descrição de uma mulher árabe que, embora reconhecidamente atraente, era de uma estirpe tão inferior e primitiva que o seu bebé se sentia feliz por estar deitado no berço a comer os seus excrementos. Nessa ocasião, lembro-me de ter pensado que, se essa passagem tivesse sido escrita sobre um judeu, teria sido um inferno. Mas, nessa altura, ninguém levantou problemas e não aconteceu nada, pelo menos, nada que chegasse ao meu conhecimento. E a partir daí, nunca mais vi nada que alterasse a minha convicção original de que estas leis foram introduzidas devido a uma feroz pressão do lobby judaico, somente para garantir que os judeus –  e só os judeus –  não seriam objecto de críticas irrefutáveis.


Creio que poderia estar nos degraus dos edifícios do Parlamento do Canadá ou da Câmara do Congresso dos Estados Unidos e gritar que os árabes são todos terroristas loucos, nómadas primitivos, animais sub-humanos que deviam ser exterminados e não aconteceria grande co isa. De facto, os preconceitos raciais em grande parte do Ocidente são grandes, que poderia receber uma medalha. Mas, mais uma vez, duvido muito que alguma lei anti-ódio saísse da toca para defender os árabes das minhas tiradas odiosas. Só podemos concluir  que a legislação anti-ódio se destina a proteger apenas os judeus das críticas alheias, deixando os judeus prontos para destruir qualquer povo com absoluta impunidade. E fazem-no todos os dias, sem descansoOs judeus queriam que as leis os protegessem das críticas, mas essas mesmas leis não protegem ninguém dos judeus.

Gaza 2024


De todas as pessoas do mundo que deveriam compreender o que é ser um povo sem pátria, ser atacado, ser expulso das suas casas, muitas vezes com violência, perder tudo, incluindo a vida, deveriam ser os judeus.  Mas qualquer sofrimento que os judeus tenham experimentado não poderia ser pior do que os traumas que infligem todos os dias ao povo palestiniano. As incríveis injustiças infligidas aos palestinianos são inúmeras e estão bem documentadas –  inclusive pela ONU, pela Human Rights Watch e por muitas outras organizações. Como pode qualquer povo pensante  – como podem os judeus – defender acções tão continuadas e brutais, mesmo selvagens, contra outro povo, enquanto proclamam a sua santidade e inocência ao mundo, enquanto esperam que o mundo se lembre do sofrimento dos judeus ( e apenas do s judeus )?  Como é que um povo como os judeus, que quer (e expressiona) muitos países a construírem “museus do holocausto” para comemorarem o seu sofrimento , infligiu, por sua vez, injustiças e sofrimentos muito maiores a outros povos inocentes e depois nega tudo isso e, de facto, troça dele?  E agora o mundo inteiro está a repetir precisamente os mesmos erros que cometeu em relação aos judeus, antes e durante as duas guerras mundiais  – assistindo à denegrição de nações inteiras, especialmente da China, mas também de outras  – reconhecendo a ilegalid ade ea desonestidade dessa mesma caluniação, a brutalidade selvagem, a injustiça, a degradação, a humilhação, a pobreza ea desesperança em alguns países vítimas.  E sempre a assistir em silêncio. Demasiado cobardes para se manifestarem.  Um dos aspectos mais infelizes desta situação é o facto dos judeus serem fortemente ajudados pelo gentios que cumprem a sua agenda,  sionistas cristãos  que, estupidamente, não compreendem que também são descartáveis, compradores que contribuem grandemente para e sta enorme tragedia que está acontecer , mas que serão descartados como goyim quando o trabalho estiver concluído.


Devo dizer que, embora esteja ciente das tragedias passadas, não fiz parte delas. Embora possa sentir muita compaixão pelo sofrimento e pela perda de vidas, eu não cometi nenhum erro – nem contra os judeus, nem contra ninguém.  E ressinto-me profundamente com as tentativas de me fazerem sentir culpado por coisas que aconteceram antes de eu ter nascido e sobre as quais não tive qualquer controlo.  Não gosto de ninguém que tente controlar o meu pensamento, que me torne tímido e hesitante nas minhas opiniões, que me faça temer represálias por falar abertamente sobre os meus pensamentos sentiment eos honestos. Essas caraterísticas são as de um estado policial fascista, não de um mundo livre.  Como escrevi anteriormente, não tenho qualquer aversão aos judeus. Mas não espero que o meu governo se acobarde com medo de um poderoso lobby étnico e me mande para a prisão por causa dos meus pensamentos ou das minhas opiniões pessoais.  E, talvez ainda mais importante, não espero que o meu governo seja cobarde e hipócrita numa questão tão importante, ao ponto de me dizer que sou livre de não gostar dos aborígenes nativos ou dos árabes, ou dos chineses ou dos russos , mas que os judeus estão fora dos limites – não porque sejam o povo escolhido por Deus, mas porque possuem poder financeiro, mediático e de extorsão.

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