What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff


The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)


That history is being repeated today in a mass grooming of the Western world’s people (especially Americans) in preparation for World War IIIwhich I believe is now imminent. It is evident that War Clouds are gathering. The signs are everywhere, with media coverage and open talk of war in many countries. The RAND Corporation have for years been preparing military scenarios for World War III, and NATO is reported to be currently doing so. Vast movements of NATO troops and equipment are either in preparation or process to surround Russia. The US is surrounding China with military bases including the world's largest in Guam. Both China and Russia are surrounded with nearly 400 US biological weapons labs. Iran is entirely vulnerable from the American military build-up in the Middle East.




Sunday, December 27, 2020

SP -- LARRY ROMANOFF -- MERS -- November 18, 2020



Por Larry Romanoff –18 de noviembre de 2020



A finales de 2012, el mundo experimentó el inicio de una nueva mini-pandemia provocada por un novedoso coronavirus al que denominaron MERS (1) (2), que supuestamente se había originado en Oriente Medio y que afectó inicialmente a un pequeño número de personas en Arabia Saudita, Jordania y Qatar. Al poco tiempo se dieron algunos casos en Inglaterra en ciudadanos que aparentemente se infectaron durante sus viajes a Oriente Medio. Este nuevo virus era similar al SARS, pero se le acusó de haber mutado y haber desarrollado una capacidad para invadir las células humanas de manera más eficiente, y por consiguiente causar la muerte de alrededor del 50% de los infectados, comparado con sólo el 10% en el caso del SARS. El virus fue visto por primera vez por un virólogo egipcio en Jeddah, Arabia Saudita, mientras realizaba pruebas a un paciente con unos síntomas inusuales, y posteriormente se descubrió que este "paciente cero" y el hombre qatarí en el Reino Unido habían sido ambos infectados por virus que eran idénticos al 99.5%. (3) No existía ninguna vacuna o tratamiento para esa enfermedad y su tasa de mortalidad superó el 40%.


Saturday, December 19, 2020

EN -- LARRY ROMANOFF -- A Search for Truth and Understanding -- December 17, 2020

  A Search for Truth and Understanding


By LARRY ROMANOFF, December 17, 2020



For much of my life I have been curious about the world, not so much wanting to know things as to understand them and, at various times I would attempt to satisfy that desire - usually by devouring every available book on the subject. I would read every book at the library that seemed useful and, since I traveled a lot at the time, I would visit every bookstore within reach in every city and buy every book that seemed to know things I didn't know. I once had a library of many thousands of books.

As one example, I was at one time fascinated with gemstones and pearls - for no good reason that I can recall, but I followed my pattern and read and bought everything I could find. Certainly, I acquired knowledge during that process. I can easily detect flaws in a cut stone or a string of natural pearls and I am competent to challenge Tiffany on the tepid color of what they sell as emeralds. Still, in the real world I am an amateur, perhaps knowing a bit more than an average layman, but of little or no consequence to anyone in the field. Again, it wasn't so much a search for knowledge as a quest for understanding. I wasn't so much looking to know everything as to "understand" the world of gemstones and pearls. Nevertheless, the process served its purpose and would qualify as research.

But there is a pitfall here. When we are researching the natural world, we are mostly in a context of fact. The sciences, geography, the physical and material manifestations of nature, are largely if not often entirely factual. They don't lie to us. There is little room for bias or opinion in what happens when we drop a bowling ball or in questions of the formation and growth of crystals or pearls. Thus, reading books written by experts or professionals can teach us all we want to know and give us all the understanding we desire.

However, things change when we enter the world of man, or at least that part affected by man, because we are no longer dealing with factual manifestations of nature but have entered a world of interpretation and opinion, perhaps as many different of these as there are men to express them. And now, the traditional method of research to acquire knowledge will fail us because we are no longer being taught but indoctrinated.

As an easy example, we can consider the book "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" by William Shirer, published in 1960 by Simon & Schuster in the US, the winner of awards and promoted to the ends of the earth like few books in the history of publishing. There may be few people of at least two generations who haven't read this book, and for many it may be the only book they have ever read on the subject.

The problem is that we were not reading a book on the history of Germany and the Wars; we were instead reading an instruction manual of 1,249 pages telling us what William Shirer wanted us to think about Germany and the Wars. And that is not the same thing. Shirer's book is biased at best, with a story line scaffolding unrelated to Germany. It isn't quite a fairy tale because it does contain many facts, but it also twists many facts, omits many others of great consequence, weaves threads that barely exist into thick carpets, states idle opinion as fact, and interprets all of it to fit the pre-determined story line. It was Shirer who propagated the now-ridiculed idea that the Germans used Jewish fat to make soap, and he was almost entirely responsible for the delusion (obtained from Wiesenthal) that the Nazis claimed the Germans were a "Master Race", a claim he must have known was a complete lie. In some ways, it is closer to a work of fiction than to factual history and Shirer closer to a snake-oil salesman than an author.

This is not unique to Shirer. Every history book is guilty of these accusations to some degree, and virtually all interpretations are clouded by ideology or preference or simply personal belief. They needn't be deliberately dishonest to contain these flaws; being written by a human is often sufficient. If we consider Carroll Quigley's tome "Tragedy and Hope", we find the same issues. I have great respect for Quigley, and I would say that 75% of that book is accurate and valuable. But the remaining 25% is almost as bad as Shirer. It seemed to me that when directly addressing the issues of Germany and the Wars, an automatic pilot assumed control of Quigley's mind and inserted a framework of "Germany bad" into which all facts now required insertion. Similarly, Noam Chomsky, another individual with my respect, and who has written much of great value to humanity, also has great blind spots.

I have read many books that resemble a Master’s or Ph.D. thesis in that they are simply a survey of the available literature, telling us what many others have written on that subject, but in many cases contributing little to the store of knowledge or understanding. This wouldn’t be so bad if all the disputed elements were included along with many of the so-called ‘conspiracy theories’ butthis process is proscribed by the institutions. Thus, in a search for truth in history, these are the worst places to begin.

There is another complicating factor in that we humans often have a tendency to believe that if we know something, we know everything. We needn’t look very far to find a writer of one good article to suddenly believe he can write with authority on any topic. It works in reverse too, in that we too easily believe that if a person knows much on one subject, they must be an expert on everything. It is both ludicrous and painful to watch a news anchor sincerely requesting the opinion of a Steve Jobs on the Amazon rain forest – simply on the basis of the man having designed a cool mobile phone. And what does a 16 year-old Greta what’s-her-name know about anything?

What do we do now? If I am a beginner and want to learn about the history of Germany, where do I turn? Every accepted history book on the subject will have multiple serious flaws and I am in no position to know what they are or where they lie. Worse, if I read one book on any historical topic, Shirer's Third Reich, for example, I may be colored forever by what I first read and it may prove exceedingly difficult to change my mind later in spite of discovering irrefutable evidence that contradicts my early-formed opinions and beliefs. I have no way to defend myself.

Fortunately, my interest in history was oblique rather than frontal, and I accidentally acquired much of my early education not from reading all the accepted and politically-correct textbooks, but from browsing second and third-tier websites, reading brief articles - especially those with reader comments, and similar sources. Eventually I'd seen enough of that and began doing independent research on small specific topics that interested me - such as the possibility of prior knowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack, my interest awakened from the persistent references to that prior knowledge indeed existing at the highest levels but not communicated to Pearl Harbor. None of this information appeared anywhere in respected history texts, and probably not in disrespected ones either, yet it has proven to be true.

I followed this developed pattern from that point onward, deliberately avoiding the accepted textbooks on a subject of my interest and instead pursuing other sources first. I will admit quickly that many, or even most, of those sources are at least partially if not entirely rubbish, items written by flakes, conspiracy theorists, amateurs, the uneducated, the great unwashed, the simple-minded and others similar. As well, much of it, and especially including reader comments, consists of deliberate misinformation. But not all, and in this simple fact lies a great salvation.

From perusing all these secondary and tertiary sources, I would learn which historical facts were generally accepted, and which were in dispute, and on most "facts of history" I would also encounter multiple frames of reference, hundreds of differing opinions and interpretations, and some genuine gold nuggets. Often, these nuggets would consist of little more than a brief comment in passing from an interested reader, but they would awaken me to an aspect of an historical event that I didn't know existed.

And from all of this, it was eventually not difficult to identify the ideologues and trolls, and to sort out the rubbish from the rest. I might still not know the truth of an historical event, but I would have many facts, knowing which in dispute and which not, and I would generally know the framework of an event, one which had inadvertently been vetted by potentially thousands of people, the intelligent among them. Now, when I read Shirer's book, it becomes immediately evident to me that he mixes opinion and fact, that important accepted facts are simply omitted from his tale, and I can see quickly that, however learned the man may appear to be, I am in fact being propagandised instead of being taught history. I am now able to defend myself.

These comments may seem strange to an average reader, but their wisdom in application is well-proven. If we look at the comments on websites such as this one, probably 95% are either off the topic or badly-flawed in some way, but we can also recognise the few intelligent and reasoned comments that are free of bias and opinion and that add not only to our knowledge but our understanding.

This latter point deserves explanation. I categorise knowledge and understanding as two very different things, similar to one seeing the trees or the forest. There are many books written on Germany or the War in the Pacific where the author clearly has a great deal of knowledge of the subject but, equally as clearly,doesn't really understand anything about what happened or why it happened the way it did. As I wrote at the beginning, I was not so much on a search for knowledge as a quest for understanding. There are at least hundreds of thousands if not hundreds of millions of people who know more about Germany and the Wars than do I, but my overall understanding of those events might not surrender to so many of those people.

In this above context I could mention David Irving, an historian almost without equal, at least in some respects. And yet while his knowledge is admittedly extreme it is clear there are some things he didn't understand very well. I don't fault the man. He adhered rigidly to original documents, reporting faithfully what he discovered and documenting it beyond reproach, yet due to that same rigor he occasionally became so focused on the trees he was missing the forest.

As one example, from his documents, he concluded that about 150,000 to 200,000 people died in Dresden, but he missed many factors outside his 'original documentation' that should have led him to conclude the toll was many times higher. For one thing, the Americans bombed every town within traveling range of Dresden, driving refugees to that city, and bombed every alternative road and railroad that might have permitted passage in other directions. There is ample evidence that perhaps 600,000 German refugees flocked to Dresden in time for the final attack, and many reports not in Irving's original papers that they strafed every column of refugees heading to Dresden but didn't arrive, including ambulance convoys. They even strafed all the animals in the Dresden zoo. It is true that the final number of fatalities is in dispute, but it is arguably very much larger than Irving indicated. If he had dwelt more on the overall picture of the night-bombing and incineration-bombing, and consideredall the surrounding factors, he might have come to a very different conclusionalbeit one not so firmly documented as all his other pages. I would argue the man had, at least in some instances, knowledge without understanding.

It is very easy for us to find a history book on almost any topic that catches our interest, succumb to reading it and, for whatever reason, convince ourselves that we have read "the definitive work" on that subject and to then stubbornly close our minds to even the most glaring of contradictory facts, insisting to the death that we know everything about that topic when in reality much of what we "know" is either irrelevant or just plain wrong, and may omit some of the most important elements that entirely change the picture. It is not easy for any of us to maintain an open mind, especially on historical topics which evoke emotion - as most are prone to do.

I cannot end without admitting that what I have presented here is a digital image, a black and white portrait of information, while our real world is analogue - infinite shades of grey. The world of science is largely, but not entirely, factual. The world of physics, especially dealing with relativity, is sometimes overloaded with opinion and bias, as can astronomy be sometimes. And in the world of man we can identify works of minimal bias that provide trustworthy foundations for our knowledge and understanding.

Still, the generalisations hold, and for both readers and writers this requires caution. Neither can believe everything they read, but the onus is on the researcher and writer to do one's best to retain honesty and integrity, to not classify opinion as fact, to recognise and admit theories that are in dispute and, most importantly, to either search for truth or not search at all. In my view, it is unconscionable for an author or a respected media columnist (or a famous and admired actor) to then use that platform of respect as a shill to propagandise and indoctrinate trusting readers with tales that are factually false. I could name some very big names here, and they wouldn’t like it. And for readers, the task is to avoid the temptation to look only for articles or facts that agree with our predilections and to face the possibility that we think may be wrong. As someone wrote, "It would be better to not know so many things than to know so many things that are wrong."

Let’s close with one live example from the COVID-19 world:

Several authors have published articles on this platform eulogizing Sweden as the poster country for virus control, passionately praising the Swedes for their penetrating discernment and good sense in leaving the country open, and using this as irrefutable proof that quarantines and isolation are counter-productive. Simultaneously, a great many commenters offer Sweden as proof that lockdowns are detrimental to the public health.


But here are the facts:

Country   Population    Infections  Deaths

Sweden   10,000,000  350,000      8,000

Denmark   5,000,000  120,000      1,000

Norway     5,000,000     40,000        400

Finland     5,000,000      30,000        500

I have rounded off all the numbers for ease of reading; the roundings are inconsequential to the result. You can see clearly from the statistics that while Sweden has twice the population of the other three Nordic Countries, it has between 3 times and 10 times the number of virus infections and between 8 times and 16 times the number of deaths. The other three countries imposed quarantines and other measures while Sweden did not. So, on what basis can Sweden be used as an ideal for anything? It cannot be. On this basis of comparison, Sweden is a disaster.

What conclusions do we draw from this? Mainly that neither the writers nor the readers are interested in the truth, but are instead focused only on selling an ideological point of view on the uselessness of quarantines, undeterred by the fact that their premises are not only false but ridiculously so. Few are unaware of the true statistics, and none apparently care. And yet this is the kind of "research" that makes its way daily into the MSM and annually into the history books. It is all indoctrination, propaganda, and salesmanship, its relationship with the truth tenuous at best and often totally non-existent - as in this case.



Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 28 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English-language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. His full archive can be seen at  He can be contacted at:

LARRY ROMANOFF is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’.

Copyright © Larry Romanoff,Moon of Shanghai, 2020


Monday, December 14, 2020

EN -- LARRY ROMANOFF -- COVID-19 Un-Explained : Waves, Ripples and Surges -- December 14, 2020




COVID-19: Un-Explained

Waves, Ripples and Surges

By Larry RomanoffDecember 14, 2020


Let's examine the normal pattern for an outbreak of a typical infectious disease. According to the US CDC: (1)

"A common-source outbreak is one in which a group of persons are all exposed to an infectious agent or a toxin from the same source. If the number of cases during an epidemic were plotted over time, the resulting graph . . . would typically have a steep upslope and a more gradual downslope (a so-called “log-normal distribution”). A propagated outbreak results from transmission from one person to another [usually] by direct person-to-person contact . . ." Propagated outbreaks typically exhibit several peaks one or two weeks apart, the epidemic normally dying out after several of these generations.

"Some epidemics have features of both common-source epidemics and propagated epidemics. The pattern of a common-source outbreak followed by secondary person-to-person spread is not uncommon." The CDC states these also can produce several generations or peaks during the following few weeks. But in all of these instances of natural infectious agent outbreaks, the spread and timing follow essentially the same typical pattern, perhaps elongated but still with close timing of the peaks. Here are three graphs from the CDC to illustrate. You can see clearly that we have a rise (rapid if single-source, slow if propagated or mixed), then a peak, a gradual
tapering-off, and a cessation.

The Dreaded "Second Wave"

IT -- Manlio Dinucci -- L'arte della Guerra -- Il piano Usa di dominio dello spazio


L’arte della guerra

                              Il piano Usa di dominio dello spazio                         

Manlio Dinucci

Cape Canaveral in Florida, da cui nel 1969 fu lanciato dalla Nasa il razzo della missione Apollo, è divenuto sede della stazione della Forza spaziale Usa insieme alla base Patrick, anch’essa in Florida. Nella cerimonia inaugurale, il 9 dicembre, il vicepresidente Mike Pence ha annunciato che «la nostra Forza spaziale si sta potenziando ogni giorno di più». La U.S. Space Force è una nuova branca delle Forze armate statunitensi, istituita nel dicembre 2019. La sua missione è «proteggere gli interessi Usa e alleati nello spazio, acquisire sistemi militari spaziali, formare professionisti militari dello spazio, sviluppare la dottrina militare per la potenza spaziale, organizzare forze spaziali a disposizione dei nostri Comandi combattenti». 

Quale sia il compito centrale della nuova Forza lo ha detto in modo esplicito il presidente Trump, annunciando nell’agosto 2019 la sua imminente costituzione: «Assicurare il dominio americano nello spazio, il prossimo campo di combattimento della guerra».

Sulla scia della nuova forza spaziale Usa, la Nato ha varato un programma militare spaziale, preparato dal Pentagono e da ristretti vertici militari europei insieme alle maggiori industrie aerospaziali. Quale sia l’importanza dello spazio lo dimostra il fatto che vi sono attualmente in orbita attorno alla Terra circa 2.800 satelliti artificiali operativi 

Di questi, oltre 1.400 sono statunitensi. Al secondo posto è la Cina con oltre 380, al terzo la Russia con poco più di 170. La maggior parte dei satelliti, oltre 1.000, è di tipo commerciale. Vengono successivamente quelli per uso militare, governativo e civile (questi ultimi due tipi usati spesso anche per attività di carattere militare).

Oltre a questi vi sono circa 6.000 satelliti non più funzionanti che continuano a orbitare attorno alla Terra, insieme a milioni di oggetti e frammenti di diverse dimensioni. Lo spazio è sempre più affollato e sempre più conteso. Qui operano con i loro satelliti i colossi delle telecomunicazioni, le Borse valori, i grandi gruppi finanziari e commerciali. Si prevede che, entro questo decennio, il numero di satelliti si quintuplicherà, soprattutto per effetto della tecnologia 5G. La rete commerciale del 5G, realizzata da società private, potrà essere impiegata a scopi militari, in particolare per le armi ipersoniche, con una spesa molto minore.  

In tale quadro si capisce perché gli Stati uniti abbiano costituito la Forza spaziale. Vedendo calare il margine di vantaggio economico e tecnologico in particolare rispetto alla Cina, la potenza statunitense gioca la carta della forza militare anche nello spazio. L’obiettivo è chiaro: dominare lo spazio per mantenere non solo la superiorità militare, ma anche quella economica e tecnologica.

L’esito di tale strategia è altrettanto chiaro. Russia e Cina hanno ripetutamente proposto alle Nazioni Unite, fin dal 2008, un nuovo Trattato (dopo quello del 1967) che proibisca di dislocare armi nello spazio, ma gli Usa lo hanno sempre rifiutato. Russia e Cina si stanno quindi preparando a un confronto militare nello spazio, avendone la capacità.

La costituzione della Forza spaziale Usa innesca quindi una nuova, ancora più pericolosa fase della corsa agli armamenti anche nucleari.  Dall’uso di sistemi spaziali per lo spionaggio, per le telecomunicazioni militari, per la guida di missili, bombe e droni, si passa a sistemi d’arma che, collocati nello spazio, possono accecare i satelliti del nemico prima di attaccarlo e distruggere obiettivi terrestri, come intere città, direttamente dallo spazio.

Tutto questo è coperto sotto la cappa del silenzio mediatico. Dal mondo politico, scientifico, accademico, culturale non si leva alcuna voce di critica o dissenso. Allo stesso tempo aumentano i finanziamenti, da parte di governi e industrie belliche, a istituti scientifici e università per ricerche che, spesso camuffate da civili, servono allo sviluppo di sistemi militari spaziali. Le uniche voci riecheggiano quella della nuova Forza spaziale Usa, che ci spiega quanto lo spazio sia «essenziale per la nostra sicurezza e prosperità nella nostra vita quotidiana, perfino quando usiamo la carta di credito al distributore di benzina». 

Manlio Dinucci

il manifesto, 15 Dicembre, 2020


Manlio Dinucci 

Geografo e geopolitologo. Libri più recenti: Laboratorio di geografia, Zanichelli 2014 ; Diario di viaggio, Zanichelli 2017 ; L’arte della guerra / Annali della strategia Usa/Nato 1990-2016, Zambon 2016, Guerra Nucleare. Il Giorno Prima 2017; Diario di guerra Asterios Editores 2018, Premio internazionale per l'analisi geostrategica assegnato il 7 giugno 2019 dal Club dei giornalisti del Messico, A.C.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

PT -- LARRY ROMANOFF -- LIDAR COM DEMÓNIOS -- Parte 1 -- December 03, 2020







Por Larry RomanoffDecember 03, 2020

O Isolamento

No início da epidemia, a China concretizou as medidas mais abrangentes e rigorosas jamais tomadas. Wuhan foi isolada em 23 de Janeiro, juntamente com várias outras cidades na província de Hubei, logo a seguir e depois, toda a província. (1) O transporte público foi totalmente suspenso. Aeroportos, estações de caminhos de ferro, centrais de autocarros e camionetes, cais de barcos, cacilheiros e transportes fluviais foram encerrados, todas as autoestradas e vias principais com portagem foram fechadas e a maioria das estradas bloqueadas. Todos os metropolitanos e autocarros pararam de circular, e todas as pessoas deveriam permanecer em casa. O bloqueio inicial, no final de Janeiro,  envolveu cerca de 20 milhões de pessoas, chegando num mês, a cerca de 60 milhões, na época em que a China tinha só cerca de 500 infecções. Esta alteração, sem precedentes nos tempos modernos e sem dúvida uma decisão difícil de ser tomada, disse muito sobre a gravidade da situação e sobre a seriedade com que o governo encarou a ameaça à saúde pública. Nessa ocasião, o Presidente da China, Xi Jinping, emitiu um aviso bastante sério e preocupante, afirmando que "Os governos de todos os níveis são obrigados a tomar resolutamente todas as medidas preventivas para conter a rápida propagação do vírus e ser completamente transparentes sobre a sua situação local, a fim de que o país se possa unir para combater a pandemia  e garantir que o mundo tenha uma imagem verdadeira da situação”. Como Xi deixou claro, “Os erros do passado não se devem repetir”.

Thursday, December 3, 2020




Tratar con Demonios

By LARRY ROMANOFF, December 03, 2020


El Confinamiento

Al estallar la epidemia, China aplicó las medidas más amplias y rigurosas que jamás se hayan adoptado. Wuhan fue cerrado el 23 de enero, y otras varias ciudades de la provincia de Hubei rápidamente después, y luego toda la provincia. (1) Se suspendió todo el transporte público. Se cerraron los aeropuertos, las estaciones de tren, las estaciones de autobuses, los muelles para barcos y transbordadores, se cerraron todas las autopistas de peaje y se bloquearon la mayoría de las carreteras. Todos los subterráneos y autobuses dejaron de funcionar y todas las personas debían permanecer en sus hogares. El confinamiento inicial a finales de enero afectó a unos 20 millones de personas, y se extendió a unos 60 millones en el plazo de un mes, en un momento en el que China sólo tenía unas 500 infecciones. La medida, sin precedentes en los tiempos modernos e indudablemente una decisión difícil, decía mucho sobre la gravedad de la situación y la seriedad con la que el gobierno veía la amenaza para la salud pública. El Presidente Xi de China emitió una advertencia bastante severa en ese momento: "Los gobiernos de todos los niveles están obligados a adoptar resueltamente todas las medidas preventivas para frenar la rápida propagación del virus, y a ser completamente transparentes sobre su situación local para que el país pueda unirse para luchar juntos contra la pandemia y garantizar que el mundo tenga una imagen real de la situación". Como Xi dejó claro, los errores del pasado no debían repetirse".

Todas las pruebas sugieren que las autoridades chinas actuaron con eficacia tan pronto como se dieron cuenta del peligro al que se podían estar enfrentando.

Monday, November 30, 2020

PT -- Manlio Dinucci -- A Arte da Guerra -- A Bomba está pronta e, em breve, em Itália



A Arte da Guerra

A Bomba está pronta e, em breve, em Itália

Manlio Dinucci 



Um vídeo, divulgado, em 23 de Novembro, pelos Sandia National Laboratories, mostra um caça F-35A dos EUA que,voando a velocidade supersónica, a uma altitude de 3.000 metros, lança uma bomba nuclear B61-12 (equipada para o ensaio, com uma ogiva não nuclear). A bomba não cai verticalmente, mas está a planar, até que na cauda se acendam os projecteis que lhe imprimem um movimento de rotação e a B61-12 (guiada por um sistema de satélite) dirige-se para o alvo, que atinge 42 segundos após o lançamento.

O teste foi realizado em 25 de Agosto,do corrente, no polígono de Tonopah, no deserto do Nevada. Um comunicado oficial confirma o seu êxito completo: trata-se do ensaio de um verdadeiro ataque nuclear que o caça efectua a velocidade supersónica e em atitude furtiva (com as bombas nucleares colocadas no porão interno) para penetrar nas defesas inimigas. 

A B61-12 tem uma ogiva nuclear com quatro opções de potência seleccionáveis ​​no momento do lançamento, dependendo do alvo a atingir.  Tem a capacidade de penetrar no subsolo, explodindo em profundidade para destruir os bunkers do centro de comando e outras estruturas subterrâneas.

O programa do Pentágono prevê a construção de cerca de 500 bombas B61-12, com um custo estimado de cerca de 10 biliões de dólares (portanto, cada bomba custará o dobro do que custaria se fosse construída inteiramente de ouro). Foi anunciado oficialmente que a produção em série da nova bomba nuclear começará no ano fiscal de 2022, que começa em 1 de Outubro de 2021 (ou seja, dentro de onze meses).

Não se sabe quantas bombas B61-12 serão instaladas pelos EUA em Itália, na Alemanha, na Bélgica e na Holanda para substituir as B61 cujo número efectivo é secreto. Fotos de satélite mostram que foram efectuados trabalhos de reestruturação nas bases de Aviano e Ghedi, em preparação para a chegada das novas bombas nucleares, com as quais serão armados os F-35A da US Air Force e, sob comando USA, os da Força Aérea Italiana.

É facilmente previsível, quando os F-35A prontos para um ataque nuclear com a bomba B61-12 forem instalados no seu território, em que situação se encontrará a Itália. Como base avançada da instalação nuclear USA na Europa, dirigida principalmente contra a Rússia, a Itália encontrar-se-á numa situação ainda mais perigosa. Dependerá ainda mais do que antes, das decisões estratégicas tomadas em Washington, que comportam escolhas políticas e económicas que prejudicam a nossa soberania e os nossos verdadeiros interesses nacionais.

Terá de aumentar a despesa militar da quantia actual de 26 para 36 biliões de euros por ano, aos quais se adicionarão, de acordo com os planos, mais 60 biliões atribuídos para fins militares pelo Ministério do Desenvolvimento Económico e retirados (mais juros) do Fundo de Recuperação. A Itália violará ainda mais do que antes, o Tratado de Não Proliferação, ao qual aderiu em 1975, comprometendo-se a "não receber armas nucleares de quem quer que seja, nem controlar essas armas, directa ou indirectamente".

Rejeitará ainda mais o recente Tratado da ONU sobre a abolição de armas nucleares, que estabelece: "Qualquer Estado Parte que tenha armas nucleares no seu território, pertencentes ou controladas por outro Estado, deve assegurar a rápida remoção dessas armas".

Para lançar uma pedra nas águas estagnadas de um parlamento que nada diz sobre todo este assunto, a Distinta Deputada Sara Cunial (Grupo Misto) apresentou uma pergunta com resposta escrita ao Primeiro Ministro e aos Ministérios da Defesa e dos Negócios Estrangeiros. Depois de explicados os factos acima supracitados, a questão passa a ser 

Ø   “Se o governo pretende respeitar o Tratado de Não Proliferação de Armas Nucleares, ratificado pela Itália em 1975;

Ø   se pretende assinar e ratificar ONU sobre a Abolição das Armas Nucleares, que entra em vigor em 2021;

Ø   se pretende assegurar, com base no que estabelecem esses tratados, que os Estados Unidos retirem imediatamente qualquer arma nuclear do território italiano e se abstenham de instalar nele as novas bombas B61-12 e outras armas nucleares ”.

 Enquanto esperamos ler a resposta do Governo, os Estados Unidos fazem os últimos testes da Bomba, que virão colocar sob os nossos pés.

Manlio Dinucci 

il manifesto, 1 de Dezembro de 2020

Manlio Dinucci

Geógrafo e geopolitólogo. Livros mais recentes: Laboratorio di geografia, Zanichelli 2014 ; Diario di viaggio, Zanichelli 2017 ; L’arte della guerra / Annali della strategia Usa/Nato 1990-2016, Zambon 2016, Guerra Nucleare. Il Giorno Prima 2017; Diario di guerra Asterios Editores 2018; Premio internazionale per l'analisi geostrategica atribuído em 7 de Junho de 2019, pelo Club dei giornalisti del Messico, A.C.

IT -- Manlio Dinucci -- L'arte della guerrra -- La Bomba è pronta: tra breve in Italia


L’arte della guerra 

La Bomba è pronta: tra breve in Italia 

Manlio Dinucci


Un video, pubblicato il 23 novembre dai Sandia National Laboratories, mostra un caccia Usa F-35A che, volando a velocità supersonica a 3000 metri di quota, lancia una bomba nucleare B61-12 (dotata per il test di testata non-nucleare). La bomba non cade verticalmente ma plana, finché nella sezione di coda si accendono dei razzi che le imprimono un moto rotatorio e la B61-12 (guidata da un sistema satellitare) si dirige sull’obiettivo che colpisce 42 secondi dopo il lancio. 

Il test è stato effettuato il 25 agosto nel poligono di Tonopah nel deserto del Nevada. Un comunicato ufficiale conferma il suo pieno successo: si tratta della prova di un vero e proprio attacco nucleare che il caccia effettua a velocità supersonica e in assetto stealth (con le bombe nucleari collocate nella stiva interna) per penetrare attraverso le difese nemiche.

La B61-12 ha una testata nucleare con quattro opzioni di potenza selezionabili al momento del lancio a seconda dell’obiettivo da colpire. Ha la capacità di penetrare nel sottosuolo, esplodendo in profondità per distruggere i bunker dei centri di comando e altre strutture sotterranee.

Il programma del Pentagono prevede la costruzione di circa 500 B61-12, con un costo stimato di circa 10 miliardi di dollari (per cui ogni bomba viene a costare il doppio di quanto costerebbe se fosse costruita interamente in oro). È stato ufficialmente annunciato che la produzione in serie della nuova bomba nucleare comincerà nell’anno fiscale 2022, che inizia il 1° ottobre 2021 (ossia tra undici mesi).

Non si sa quante B61-12 verranno schierate dagli Usa in Italia, Germania, Belgio e Olanda per sostituire le B61 il cui numero effettivo è segreto. Foto satellitari mostrano che sono stati effettuati lavori di ristrutturazione nelle basi di Aviano e Ghedi in preparazione dell’arrivo delle nuove bombe nucleari, di cui saranno armati gli F-35A della US Air Force e, sotto comando Usa, quelli dell’Aeronautica italiana.

In quale situazione si troverà l’Italia, una volta che saranno schierati sul proprio territorio gli F-35A pronti all’attacco nucleare con le B61-12, è facilmente prevedibile. Quale base avanzata dello schieramento nucleare Usa in Europa diretto principalmente contro la Russia, l’Italia si troverà in una situazione ancora più pericolosa. Dipenderà ancor più di prima dalle decisioni strategiche prese a Washington, che comportano scelte politiche ed economiche lesive della nostra sovranità e dei nostri reali interessi nazionali.

Dovrà accrescere la spesa militare dagli attuali 26 a 36 miliardi di euro annui, cui si aggiungeranno secondo i piani oltre 60 miliardi stanziati a fini militari dal Ministero dello sviluppo economico e tratti (più gli interessi) dal Recovery Fund. L’Italia violerà ancor più di prima il Trattato di non-proliferazione, al quale ha aderito nel 1975 impegnandosi a «non ricevere da chicchessia armi nucleari né il controllo su tali armi, direttamente o indirettamente».

Rifiuterà ancora di più il recente Trattato Onu sulla abolizione delle armi nucleari, che stabilisce: «Ciascuno Stato parte che abbia sul proprio territorio armi nucleari, possedute o controllate da un altro Stato, deve assicurare la rapida rimozione di tali armi».

Per gettare un sasso nell’acqua stagnante di un parlamento che tace su tutto questo, l’on. Sara Cunial (Gruppo Misto) ha presentato una interrogazione a risposta scritta alla Presidenza del Consiglio e ai Ministeri della Difesa e degli Esteri. Dopo aver esposto i fatti sopracitati, l’interrogazione chiede

Ø  «se il Governo intende rispettare il Trattato di non-proliferazione delle armi nucleari, ratificato dall’Italia nel 1975;

Ø  se intende firmare e ratificare il Trattato ONU sulla abolizione delle armi nucleari, che entra in vigore nel 2021;

Ø  se intende far sì, in base a quanto stabiliscono tali trattati, che gli Stati uniti rimuovano immediatamente qualsiasi arma nucleare dal territorio italiano e rinuncino a installarvi le nuove bombe B61-12 e altre armi nucleari».

Mentre aspettiamo di leggere la risposta del Governo, negli Usa fanno gli ultimi test della Bomba, che ci verranno a mettere sotto i piedi.

Manlio Dinucci


il manifesto, 1 dicembre 2020

Manlio Dinucci 

Geografo e geopolitologo. Libri più recenti: Laboratorio di geografia, Zanichelli 2014 ; Diario di viaggio, Zanichelli 2017 ; L’arte della guerra / Annali della strategia Usa/Nato 1990-2016, Zambon 2016, Guerra Nucleare. Il Giorno Prima 2017; Diario di guerra Asterios Editores 2018, Premio internazionale per l'analisi geostrategica assegnato il 7 giugno 2019 dal Club dei giornalisti del Messico, A.C.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

EN -- LARRY ROMANOFF -- A Brief History of America That You Won't Learn in a University -- November 28, 2020

 A Brief History of America That You Won't Learn in a University

By  Larry Romanoff, November 28, 2020


Good mental health was not a prerequisite for European settlers emigrating to the New World. We are fond of reminding ourselves that Australia was (and mostly still is) populated primarily with murderers, thieves and sexual perverts, but the immigrants to America were not noticeably better. Indeed, the inscription on the Statue of Liberty got the words more or less correct in referring to "the wretched refuse of your teeming shore". While the Australians had their serial killers and muggers, the Europeans went one better with their Christian extremists who spent their weekdays burning witches and killing Indians, and their Sundays in church thanking God for the opportunity. The Australians have marginally improved their habits over the centuries while the Americans have not.


EN -- LARRY ROMANOFF -- America's Buried History of White Slavery -- November 26, 2020

 America's Buried History of White Slavery

By  Larry Romanoff, November 26, 2020


Carte-de-Visite Portrait of Redeemed Slave Girl

At the start of the Civil War, Northerners distributed portraits of redeemed slaves as a fundraiser and as propaganda. Several different portraits of this girl were distributed, most having the same text: "Redeemed in Virginia by Catherine S. Lawrence [at right]. Baptized in Brooklyn, at Plymouth Church, by Henry Ward Beecher, May, 1863. Fannie Virginia Casseopia Lawrence, a Redeemed SLAVE CHILD, 5 years of age. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1863, by C.S. Lawrence, in the Clerk's Office of the district Court of the United States, for the Southern District of New York. Photograph by Renowden, 65 Fulton Av. Brooklyn." (Photo by Van Dorn/Library of Congress/Corbis/VCG via Getty Images)

Long before the Jewish slave traders traveled to Africa's Western coast to kidnap Black slaves, they were abducting, shipping to America, and selling into slavery the White working class of Britain, "the nation's surplus poor". The chronicle of White slavery in America occupies one of the dirtiest shelves in the darkest corner of suppressed American history. The US will always be a pathological fairyland of myth until the knowledge of its historical truths becomes widespread. Americans need to openly face and deal with the legacy of the enormous extent to which they relished the abomination of slavery. A conspiracy of the American elites and the Jewish lobby have made the entire story of white slavery disappear completely from history, as if it never happened. One writer called this historical sanitising "the height of academic and media fraud". Several hundred years of White Slavery in America have been obliterated from the collective memory by those who don't want to remind Americans that most of their White settlers came not of their own free will, but were instead kidnapped and shipped to the New World in chains. It is well-documented that so many white slaves were forcibly shipped from England that two-thirds of all immigrants arriving in America were slaves, safely contradicting the foolish myth that settlers emigrating to America came willingly and joyfully in search of freedom and opportunity; they clearly did no such thing. It should also terminate the propagandised conviction in every American heart that their nation was founded on God and Christian virtue, liberty and democracy. So much mythical bullshit here, it's difficult to know where to begin.

American history books are totally silent on the matter of these white slaves, mostly of European stock with a great number of Irish, but also English and Scottish, who were kidnapped or otherwise forcibly deported to the US as slave labor. In fact, an examination of available documentation indicates that white slavery in the Americas was a much more extensive operation than was black slavery, and the numbers may be severely under-estimated. Several authors have claimed, and I have seen reports that appear credible, that white slaves in America outnumbered the black. In his book, They Were White and They Were Slaves, Michael Hoffman wrote,

"Negro slavery was efficiently established in colonial America because Black slaves were governed, organized and controlled by the structures and organization that were first used to enslave and control Whites. Black slaves were late-comers fitted into a system already developed."

The new nation had a need for cheap labor since the settlers were in the process of exterminating the inhabitants of a large country and taking possession of the lands, but lacked the workers to develop it. These white slaves were more important than the blacks, in both number and economic advantage. One white slave owner, Virginia planter John Pory, stated that white (not black) slaves were the nation's "principal wealth". It was due in large part to the overwhelming majority of white slaves that America built its foundations of wealth, since slavery was exclusively a matter of economics and profit. American capitalism was viciously predatory from the days of its birth.

Taking advantage of a period of war with Britain, the slave traders reduced the population of Ireland by more than 80% in a single decade, killing some and abducting and selling the rest to America as slaves. They were shipped by the hundreds of thousands and included not only adults but even the youngest of children being forcibly taken from their parents and sold as slaves in the US and the West Indies. One eyewitness to the mass kidnapping of poor Whites estimated that from his personal knowledge alone, at least 10,000 were sold into slavery every year from throughout Great Britain for perhaps two centuries.

American history texts make reference to what is called indentured servitude, as a kind of "benignly paternalistic system whereby colonial immigrants spent a few years working off their passage and went on to better things". The myth is that overseas passage was expensive and British and European civilians willingly signed indentures requiring them to work for a few years to pay off the cost of their passage, after which time they would be given land and their freedom to pursue a glorious future in the New World. But it was no such thing. There were indeed some indentured persons fitting this description, but they were a minuscule minority with their conditions not better than that suffered by all slaves. In fact, their indentures most often amounted to a life sentence at hard labor, and with a life that would be preciously short when we look at the hideous mortality rates. There are documented records of white convicts asking to be hanged in Britain rather than sent to the gulag that was America.

It is only the elite establishment in America today who present a disingenuously impassioned propaganda to soften the brutality. Some Jewish and other sympathetic historians pretend that this system of indentures, a kind of privileged form of bound labor, was representative of the entire experience of White bondage in America. But this definition would apply only to those voluntarily binding themselves to service, and of these there were few, with the contracted indenture being maintained only as a spurious cover for plain and simple lifetime chattel slavery. Even the Whites referred to themselves as slaves who were not better than cattle, and who were by all accounts degraded chattels on a par with farm animals. There is evidence of many hopeful but illiterate migrants who were duped into signing indentures, ignorant of the actual content of the documents that legally designated them as personal property that could be bought and sold, gambled away, or killed without concern like any other animals. In any event, the indentures provided countless excuses for the slave-owners to extend the period of servitude indefinitely, often by 7 years for the most minor of offenses and 10 or 15 years for others. Few escaped.

The slave traders exerted grand efforts in inducing free whites to sign indentures, supposedly placing themselves in 'temporary' slavery with the promise of 50 acres of farmland at the end of the indenture term, but this was nothing more than a despicable racket. The promised lands were entrusted to the slave-owner on the understanding the land titles would later pass to the slaves, but these land rights could be forfeited for almost any reason, including laziness, with the land titles then becoming the master's rightful property. Many slave-owners purchased large numbers of these so-called indentured persons and quickly concocted excuses to seize all the entrusted lands, occasionally with a gift and a wink to the relevant authorities. Certainly hundreds of thousands and potentially millions of acres of fertile land were obtained in this manner, with many slave-owners accumulating vast estates and great wealth, which is precisely why this "benignly paternalistic" system was created. Indentured servitude was never more than an immense and cruel fraud.

One author wrote that historians deliberately maintain the fallacy that "wherever White 'servants' constituted the majority of servile laborers, they worked in privileged or even luxurious conditions which were forbidden to Blacks. In truth, White Slaves were often restricted to doing the dirty, backbreaking field work while Blacks and even Indians were taken into the plantation mansion houses to work as domestics." A Major named Mordecai Manuel Noah, who was described as "the most distinguished Jewish layman of his time", promoted slavery by equating it with freedom. 
Incredibly, he made pronouncements like this:

"There is liberty under the name of slavery. A field Negro has his cottage, his wife, and children, his easy task, his little patch of corn and potatoes, his garden and fruit, which are his revenue and property. The house servant has handsome clothing, his luxurious meals, his admitted privacy, a kind master, and an indulgent and frequently fond mistress."

David W. Galenson wrote a treatise titled 'White Slavery entitled White Servitude in Colonial America', in which he stated, "European men and women could exercise choice both in deciding whether to migrate to the colonies and in choosing possible destinations." These comments, and so many more like them, are pure fiction, very large lies meant to erase the evil of centuries. White slaves were obtained from the poorest levels of British society who were regarded as expendable by the ruling class. Economists advocated the enslavement of poor Whites because they saw them as the cheapest and most effective way to develop the colonies in the New World while ridding themselves of the surplus poor who were "unprofitable" to England. As American agriculture expanded, landowners demanded the legalisation of the practice of kidnapping poor Whites for slavery. Parliamentary legislation was passed to specifically permit the capture of White children, with this becoming what we can call an "open hunting season" on the poor of Great Britain as well as anyone the British aristocracy happened to despise.

Given the secrecy of the entire matter of white slavery, it isn't surprising that few are aware that a great many of the slaves deported to the Americas or Australia were not convicts as the record states, but were actually political prisoners and political dissidents, and many more were prisoners of war. England in particular made a point of rounding up every political dissident of substance, imprisoning them, then deporting them as 'convicts'. It was also a policy of England to cooperate with the slave traders in permitting what were called "slave-hunting gangs" who roamed freely throughout the country and vacuumed up virtually anyone not looking rich, this process viewed with much approval by the British aristocracy. Henry Cromwell not only eliminated about 85% of the population of Ireland within a decade, but was especially determined to capture and deport all Irish women: "Concerning the young [Irish] women, although we must use force in takinge them up, yet it beinge so much for their owne goode, and likely to be of soe great advantage to the publique, it is not in the least doubted, that you may have such number of them as you thinke fitt to make use uppon this account." He also ordered all the homeless poor throughout Great Britain to be captured and deported by the slave traders, for being "unprofitable to the Realm". Laws permitted the seizure of any persons in any part of England who appeared to be vagrant, or who were begging, and to have them conveyed to a British port and shipped to America to be sold. Accordingly, judges ordered the enslavement and shipping to America the total number of "those who made life unpleasant for the British upper class". Westerners are generally aware that Australia was populated almost entirely with convicts from British prisons, but few are aware that the New World of America was initially populated in the same way from the same sources. The government of England virtually emptied its prisons, transporting most of its convicts, both men and women, to America to be sold to plantation owners and other industrialists, and brothels were forcibly emptied to provide unwilling human breeding stock for American slave-owners.

The trade in White slaves was a natural one for Jewish merchants in England who imported sugar and tobacco from the American colonies. Whites kidnapped in Britain could be exchanged for these goods in America, permitting the merchant ships to convey cargo in both directions. But the disposability of these humans in the minds of these inhuman merchants, staggers the heart. There are documented reports that one ship dumped more than 1,300 white slaves into the Atlantic Ocean to ensure an adequate food supply for the crew. Other documented reports tell of 20 or 30 children at a time being tossed into the ocean to drown. There was also a provision in many contracts that white slaves were sold in advance to plantation owners who would be responsible for full payment "if the slaves survived beyond the halfway point of the journey". Apparently ship captains regularly stocked sufficient food for only the first half of their ocean voyage with the intention of starving the slaves for the remainder of the trip. One documented record stated, "Jammed into filthy holds, manacled, starved and abused, they suffered and died during the crossings in gross numbers." Nobody bothered to record the number of deaths. Even those fortunate enough to land in the New World would fare little better, suffering a shocking mortality rate. Sixty percent of all white slaves reaching the Americas did not survive their first year. One clergyman visited a plantation outpost and described the scene as "a land of the living dead, a vault full of living corpses". A policeman referred to them as "vermin-haunted heaps of rags". He claimed that when he opened a door into one of their hovels, he saw, "Ten, twenty, thirty, who can count them? Men, women, children, for the most part naked, heaped upon the floor like maggots in a cheese factory, a spectral rising, unshrouded, from a grave of rags". White slaves who rebelled or became disobedient were punished in the most savage and inhuman ways. Owners would hang their slaves by their hands and set their feet on fire. Often, they were burned alive, with their severed heads then placed on pikes in a public marketplace to serve as a warning to other slaves.

American slave-owners quickly began breeding the white women for both their own personal pleasure and for greater profit. Children of slaves were themselves slaves, which increased the size of the master’s free workforce. Even if an Irish woman managed to obtained her freedom, her children would remain slaves and she would seldom abandon them, thereby remaining in servitude. Other American masters found a better way to use these white women - who were in many cases girls as young as ten or twelve - to increase their market value by breeding them with African men to produce slaves with a "mulatto" complexion which brought a higher price than their Irish livestock. This practice of interbreeding White females with African men became so long-term and widespread that legislation was passed forbidding the practice because this production of offspring interfered with the profits of a large Jewish slave trader. The more perverse versions of Judaism also played a part. One of the reasons the African slave trade began was that African slaves were "not tainted with the stain of the hated Catholic theology" that infected the Irish. In part because of this, African slaves became more expensive to purchase and were often treated far better than their White counterparts. Black slaves were indeed cruelly used but not often worked to death as were the Whites who were available for almost nothing and were fully expendable. Upon arrival in America, these White British would be stripped naked, put in chains, and paraded on the auction floor where they were probed, examined and sold like livestock.

Particularly shocking was the abduction and enslavement of a great many white children who were openly seized from orphanages, workhouses and the streets, and shipped to America to labor in factories and plantations. There were countless shipments of these doomed children to America for perhaps 300 years, with very few living to become adults. In one case, when a census was taken in Virginia only seven children were listed as alive from the many thousands kidnapped that year. All the rest were dead, and statistics for other years are equally grim, with sometimes only three or four surviving that year. Orphan children as well as the children of poor parents were targeted for the White slave trade, these latter being described as a "plague" and a "rowdy element". The London police were instructed to seize any children found on the street and take them to a containment facility where they would await shipment to America. Often, their only crime was being in the street when a constable happened to pass by. The Jewish slave-traders specifically targeted poor families, demanding they surrender their children for sale on threat of being starved into submission by the withdrawal of all relief assistance from any source. They could give up their children to the slave-traders, or be forced to starve and die. This centuries-long inhuman use of "disposable" children was the beginning of the American fondness for child labor which began with the agricultural plantations, but which was soon extended to American factories.

Another portion of America's history that has been even more deeply buried is its tradition of American natives as slaves. A great many natives were taken, especially as children or youths, and put into slavery by the European settlers. It is difficult to locate authoritative texts and witness testimonials on this issue because the historical record is so scattered, but it is clear these were not isolated incidents and occurred widely in some parts of America. I have seen no accurate count of native slaves, but one portion of one state alone was reliably reported to have more than 50,000 native slaves. The entire matter has been written out of American history because Americans don't want to deal with it.

But even more than local slavery, countless thousands of native adults were captured and shipped to Spain and Portugal where they were sold into slavery. Historian Howard Zinn made this observation in one of his books: "In the year 1495, [Columbus and his men] went on a great slave raid, rounded up fifteen hundred Arawak men, women, and children, put them in pens guarded by Spaniards and dogs, then picked the five hundred best specimens to load onto ships. Of those five hundred, two hundred died en route. The rest arrived alive in Spain and were put up for sale by the archdeacon of the town, who reported that, although the slaves were "naked as the day they were born", they showed "no more embarrassment than animals." This was within two years of Columbus first having landed in the New World, and his slave business progressed from there, lasting for more than 300 years until it eventually gave way to the trading in black and white slaves. Christopher Columbus was without doubt the first, or one of the first, slave traders in the New World, effecting his trade in both directions. Again, I have seen no accurate tally of the totals of natives sold in slavery in Europe and the Caribbean, but it was certainly substantial, sufficiently so as to virtually eliminate some native tribes. In fact, slavery was one of the main factors contributing to the disappearance of the American natives.

Christopher Columbus is today venerated throughout the US with a Columbus Day holiday and even Washington's 'District of Columbia' is named after him. To support their narrative, the sanitisers of history created the myth of Queen Isabella of Spain pawning her crown jewels to finance his voyages of exploration, but none of that is true. Columbus, whose real name was Cristobol Colon, was a Jewish adventurer and slave trader financed by wealthy Jewish businessmen, whose discovery of the new world set in motion a program of genocide that covered all the Americas, exterminating more than 125 million people including the entire Maya, Inca and Aztec civilisations, as well as the Carib Indians and 98% of American aboriginal peoples. The newly-founded America continued the policy of ruthless genocide that Columbus began, where mass extermination was implemented to clear land for white settlers. The genocide against American Natives was the largest and longest-lasting genocidal campaign in human history. "It started, like all genocides, with the oppressor treating the victims as sub-humans, and continued until almost all Natives were wiped off the face of the earth, along with much of the language, culture and religion of hundreds of tribes." By about 1900 the native population had been reduced to 2.5% of its original numbers, reduced from about 20 million to a little over 200,000, and 98% of their land had been lost. This was from a conscious and deliberate continuation of a 500-year policy of genocide designed to "extirpate this excrable race" of people.

Many Americans, and many American textbooks make great efforts to deflect responsibility for these events, claiming the native deaths were not planned or were not part of any government program, or that they were due to natural disease or other factors. These claims are lies. For many years, US State Governments offered large rewards for the scalps of dead Indians. It was so lucrative that in many areas murdering Indians became a flourishing business and one of the best-paying jobs in America. The British commander Lord Amherst famously wrote about a plan to infect Native Americans by giving them smallpox-infected blankets, a policy that the Americans carried out with great success in many parts of the US, since the Natives had no natural immunity to many Western diseases. "With Bible passages in their hands to justify their every move, the Puritans began their march inland from the seaside communities where, joined by British settlers, they seized the land, took the strong and young Natives as slaves to work the land and killed the rest. Villages were set on fire with sleeping Natives burned alive, and many were sold into slavery - another matter that American history books avoid."

The US Founding Fathers and the great Presidents of the United States shared several common characteristics - they were all deeply racist, believed in white supremacy, and were sociopathic genocidal thugs, reflected in their active promotion of the extinction of all native peoples. The Great American President George Washington referred to the natives as "wolves and beasts of prey" who deserved nothing from the whites but "total ruin", and called for their total destruction. According to him, Americans should "lay waste all the settlements around, that the country may not be merely overrun, but destroyed". And don't "listen to any overture of peace before the total ruin of their settlements is effected". It is documented that Washington instructed his troops to not only kill all the Indians they could find, but to skin the bodies of these dead Natives "from the hips downward to make boot tops or leggings". By some reports, Washington was so determined a homicidal maniac that he spent 80% of his young government's revenue on this ethnic cleansing. And then, not so many years ago, the US government proudly issued a postage stamp commemorating this ruthless campaign of mass murder. Only in America.

US President Theodore Roosevelt, a Nobel peace prize winner and great American honored today by all, offered this opinion of America's native peoples: "All men of sane and wholesome thought must dismiss with impatient contempt the plea that these continents should be reserved for the use of scattered savage tribes, whose life was but a few degrees less meaningless, squalid, and ferocious than that of the wild beasts with whom they held joint ownership". This great American hero also told us that America's extermination of the Indians and the theft of their land "was ultimately beneficial as it was inevitable". He said, "I don't go so far as to think that the only good Indians are dead Indians, but I believe nine out of ten are, and I shouldn't like to inquire too closely into the case of the tenth". It was also Roosevelt who declared, "The most ultimately righteous of all wars is a war with savages" and openly spoke of cementing the rule of "dominant world races." US President Andrew Jackson, not to be outdone by other Presidents, "supervised the mutilation of 800 or more Creek Indian corpses" that his troops had killed. Another great US President, Thomas Jefferson, wrote that "Indian resistance must be met with the hatchet. And if ever we are constrained to lift the hatchet against any tribe we will never lay it down till that tribe is exterminated. We shall destroy all of them". It was US President Abraham Lincoln, the greatest of the great Americans, who ordered 38 Sioux natives hung to death on Christmas Eve for leaving their reservation (internment camp) in search of food. It seems almost trite to point out that there were serious laws banning intermarriage between white Americans and the native people, laws which were only repealed by the US Supreme Court around 1970.

The best way to forget history is to rewrite it. Since being spoken by some of America's favorite leaders and heros, these words have conveniently been forgotten by US historians who prefer to write their own history. Wikipedia disingenuously tells us the American natives today are 'flourishing' on their lands, but the truth is rather different. Almost all native tribes have been destroyed, all culture lost, and the few remaining are living on isolated lands, some subsisting by hunting and fishing, some running gambling casinos, and many performing insulting tribal dances to entertain tourists. Many are burned-out, desolated drunks, and Native Indians have the highest suicide rate of all peoples in the world today. It is to the everlasting good fortune of Tibetans that America was never successful in its persistent CIA-inspired efforts to 'free' Tibet. If it had succeeded, Tibet today would be the same haunted graveyard as is much of America.

As occurred in all the Americas, these transplanted Europeans waged a centuries-long genocidal war against the native inhabitants of the lands of America, eventually exterminating virtually all of them while confiscating their lands and resources. American history books are silent on these points as well, entirely ignoring the commercial and financial benefits to the rise of the American elite industrial class and the incalculable advantage to the economic development of the US. As with slavery, this colonisation and genocide was an economic issue, not a moral one, and was absolutely indispensable to the development of the wealth of the American ruling class. Anywhere in the world, if a group of industrialised rich enter a nation, exterminate its inhabitants and confiscate its wealth and resources, then for four hundred years employ unpaid slave labor to develop their industry and commerce, it would not be a surprise for this group to emerge as a wealthy and powerful nation. In fact, this was the entire theory behind the imperialism of the British and Dutch East India Companies as well as the European nations who specialised in exterminating native populations and plundering their wealth. These practices were quickly extended to the Americas where the settlers of the New World were not different in any respect. White supremacy held the peoples of all other nations in contempt, and greed accounted for the rest.



Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. His writing has been translated into more than 20 languages and is available on more than 100 foreign-language websites around the world.  He can be contacted at:


Larry Romanoff is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new COVID-19 anthology ”When China Sneezes”.


Copyright © Larry Romanoff, Moon of Shanghai, 2020



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