What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff

The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

That history is being repeated today in a mass grooming of the Western world’s people (especially Americans) in preparation for World War IIIwhich I believe is now imminent




Monday, June 13, 2022

Ecoutez, regardez…… Listen, watch...... Escuta, observa......





Ecoutez, regardez……


Entre 15.000 et 50.000 professionnels de la santé ont été mis à pied et l’hopital manque de bras pour soigner les malades !! Une aberration totale et un scandale sanitaire quand on connait le nombre d’effets secondaires et de mort officiellement reconnus suite à ces injections chimiques géniques (ce nombre restreint de cas trafiqués est en lui-même déjà un scandale à lui tout seul !)


Et toujours encore personne ne bouge en haut lieu !!!

Du Lundi 13 au Samedi 13 juin, LA CONCORDE donne la parole aux personnels de santé mis à pied, en France.

A 19h30 en semaine et à partir de 18h le samedi, diffusion directe unique.

Le 5 août 2021, était votée la loi 2021-1040 portant obligation aux personnels de santé d’avoir un schéma vaccinal anti-covid complet, au risque d’être mis à pied sans salaire, sans chômage, sans minima sociaux.
(cf. articles 12 & 14)

15000 à 17000 soignants sont alors suspendus, car refusant pour la plupart d’être les cobayes d’une injection sans AMM* définitive. On verra par la suite au su des effets secondaires, nombreux et graves, qu’ils n’ont pas tort.. Aux dires du gouvernement, il s’agit là d’une infime minorité. Nous répondons que s’il n’y en avait qu’un ce serait déjà trop (on estime jusqu’à 50.000 personnels de liés à la santé).

La Concorde a donné la parole à ces êtres humains dévoués au bien-être des autres, pour qui cette vocation a été mise à mal et bafouée. Hier une population reconnaissante de leur sacrifice les applaudissait chaque soir.. Aujourd’hui, ils témoignent de leur détresse, de leur descente aux enfers, de leur dénuement, de leur mise à l’index, et malheureusement de leur mise à la rue, dans une indifférence quasi-complète..

Alain, Reporter pour la Concorde TV




EN -- Listen, watch......


Between 15,000 and 50,000 health care professionals have been laid off in France and the hospitals are running out of people to treat the patients! A total aberration and a health scandal when you know the number of side effects and deaths officially recognized following these chemical gene injections (this limited number of cases is in itself already a scandal!)


And still nobody moves in high places !!!


From Monday 13 to Saturday 13 June, LA CONCORDE gives a voice to laid-off health workers, in France.


At 7:30 pm on weekdays and from 6 pm on Saturdays, unique direct broadcast.


On August 5, 2021, the law 2021-1040 was voted on, obliging health workers to have a complete anti-covid vaccination scheme, at the risk of being laid off without salary, without unemployment, without social minima. (see articles 12 & 14)


15,000 to 17,000 healthcare workers were suspended, because most of them refused to be guinea pigs for an injection without a definitive MA*. We will see later on, with the knowledge of the numerous and serious side effects, that they are not wrong. According to the government, this is a tiny minority. We reply that if there were only one, it would already be too many (it is estimated that there are up to 50,000 health-related personnel).


La Concorde gave a voice to these human beings devoted to the well-being of others, for whom this vocation has been undermined and scorned. Yesterday, a population grateful for their sacrifice applauded them every evening. Today, they bear witness to their distress, their descent into hell, their destitution, their being blacklisted and, unfortunately, their being put on the street, with almost complete indifference.


Alain, Reporter for Concorde TV





PT -- Escuta, observa......
Entre 15.000 e 50.000 profissionais de saúde foram despedidos em França e os hospitais estão a ficar sem pessoas para tratar os doentes! Uma aberração total e um escândalo sanitário quando se conhece o número de efeitos secundários e mortes oficialmente reconhecidos após estas injecções de genes químicos (este número limitado de casos já é, por si só, um escândalo!)
E, como sempre, ninguém se mexe nas instâncias mais altas!!!


De segunda-feira 13 a sábado 13 de Junho, LA CONCORDE dá voz aos trabalhadores de saúde despedidos em França.


Às 19:30 h nos dias de semana e a partir das 18:00 h aos sábados, transmissão directa única.


A 5 de Agosto de 2021, foi aprovada a lei 2021-1040 que exige que os trabalhadores da saúde tenham um calendário completo de vacinação anti-covida, correndo o risco de serem despedidos sem remuneração, sem desemprego, sem mínimos sociais. (ver artigos 12 e 14)


15.000 a 17.000 trabalhadores de saúde foram suspensos, porque a maioria deles recusou ser cobaias para uma injecção sem um MA* definitivo. Veremos mais tarde, com o conhecimento dos numerosos e graves efeitos secundários, que eles não estão errados. Segundo o governo, esta é uma minoria minúscula. Respondemos que se houvesse apenas um, já seria demasiado (estima-se que haja até 50.000 pessoas relacionadas com a saúde).


La Concorde deu voz a estes seres humanos dedicados ao bem-estar dos outros, pelos quais esta vocação tem sido minada e desprezada. Ontem, uma população grata pelo seu sacrifício aplaudia-os todas as noites. Hoje, dão testemunho da sua aflição, da sua descida ao inferno, da sua miséria, da sua colocação na lista negra e, infelizmente, da sua colocação na rua, com uma indiferença quase total.


Alain, Repórter da Concorde TV



Friday, June 10, 2022

TODAY AT 2:30 P.M. Montreal Time on BYOBLU LIVE -- Corriere della Sera's dossier on the "Putinians of Italy”


TODAY AT 2:30 P.M. Montreal Time




Corriere della Sera's dossier on the "Putinians of Italy”

In Corriere della Sera's dossier on the "Putinians of Italy"- published on June 5 and signed by deputy editor Fiorenza Sarzanini and Monica Guerzoni - Manlio Dinucci also appears.



The first reference to his activities reads as follows: The 2019 Plan / An article of his claiming how "the Anglo-American attack on Russia and Ukraine was planned in 2019" has become a kind of manifesto "of Russian state media and utilities supporting the invasion of Ukraine." The newspaper does not indicate the source of the quoted sentences but, in presenting the dossier, speaks of "material collected by the services." This is a complete distortion of reality: in the 2019 article, published in the Manifesto on May 21 under the title "Rand Corp: how to bring down Russia," the author did not support his own thesis but reported the plan published by the Rand Corporation, a powerful US think tank, entitled "Overextending and Unbalancing Russia." What is more, it is absurd that the author was writing in 2019 about a plan of "Anglo-American attack on Russia and Ukraine," when Ukraine had already included in its constitution the decision to be part of NATO (a topic covered by Dinucci himself in the February 12, 2019 manifesto).


The second reference reads as follows: Passages from his book The War - Our Lives Are at Stake, published by ByoBlu Editions - publisher of a digital channel and TV repeatedly accused of "disinformation," - were quoted by Putin in his May 9 speech for the Victory Day celebrations. In the Corriere of June 6, Alessandra Arachi reiterates: Among the people who were allegedly part of the network, according to the security apparatus, is Manlio Dinucci, who wrote a book about the war that Putin himself quoted on May 9 for the Victory Day celebrations. This is a forgery that reaches demented levels, sufficient by itself to demonstrate the nature of the dossier: an example of trash journalism instrumental to a plan aimed at silencing any alternative voice to that of the political-media mainstream.


Arriving in China

Ver a imagem de origem


(China, France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States)


contributing author

to Cynthia McKinney's new COVID-19 anthology

'When China Sneezes'

When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis


Click image

vp 2007


President of Russia Vladimir Putin:

Address to the Nation

Address to the Nation.

J Bacque


The President of Russia delivered the Address to the Federal Assembly. The ceremony took place at the Manezh Central Exhibition Hall.

January 15, 2020

Joint news conference following a Normandy format summit

Joint news conference following the Normandy format summit.



convegno 2019

do the maths